Contract Labour Management System
How does it function? Contract Labour will be marked IN either by Thumb/RFID or through Barcode according to his shift. Also he may swipe more than once but first swipe will be collected as IN Swipe and Last swipe will be taken as OUT. According to IN and OUT swipes actual working hours will be calculated. This system will calculate Present/Absent days as well as Extra Hours based on IN and OUT swipes. This will be the input to execute wages for the labours, which can be executed weekly/ Bi-weekly or Monthly. Rate for the labour according to the contractor will be fixed in advance. Thus, the payment according to Contractor's Labour can be calculated and disbursed accurately .

As such when it comes to view the past details/visits it turns to be time consuming, unreliable and manual dependent operation. From the security and usage standpoint, maintain a book or register system has many negative points.
- Projections of labour requirements from Shop floor and sanctions at Admin level.
- Registration of the labour, Contractor.
- Projections of labours requirement to the various contractors.
- Standard Reports for labour and contractor activities.
- Information of Contractor & his company.
- labour Profession – Soft Skilled and Hard Skilled, technical, Non Technical etc.
- In and Out attendance through various means like Biometric, Barcode and RFID, and storage of Photo, as applicable.
- Requisition of labour and wage calculations on Daily basis, weekly basis and monthly basis Contractors Payments records and settlements.
- Working Shift Module.
- Menu Management.
- Rights allocations/Login Managements.
- In case of accident / threat, man count & individual details can be traced.
- For labour projections requirements, labour attendance and wage calculations.
- Reduces manpower at the Gate.
- Focused activity by the Manpower at the gate.
- Eliminates the Manual errors
- User friendly.
- Productivity improvements
- Utilisation improvements
- Improve customer Service Levels
- Compliance and tracking of Working Time Directive
- Accurate and fair payment of employees
- Automatic and accurate assignation of costs to projects
- Every labour gets validated RFID/Bar-coded badge, which contains Finger impression and other details as applicable.
- Enabling/disabling of badges for Barring/Renewal operation.
- Software can be made applicable for multiple gate in/out.
- Repository of details of all labourers/temporary employees, finger print authentication for daily attendance and retrieval at a click of button with following architectural structure:
- Contractor/Sub Contractor details
- labour detail like permanent address, ration card, qualification, previous police record (if any), references, identification marks etc.
- Assigned work & sites, work skills, work timings, special instructions etc.